Geography Term 3


Your first Geography project in computer is to use Microsoft Encarta.

Term 3 Week 1: Use the Encarta search to look up :

  1. globe
  2. map

Term 3 Week 2:

Using Encarta go to the section called “Places”. Look at these 3 sections:

  1. Continents and regions
  2. Rivers lakes and oceans
  3. Where in the world?

The History of ANZAC Day


ANZAC 100 years ago (1915 – 2015)

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Service at the MCG

Skwirk Anzac Story

Anzac Story from New Zealand

  1. Look at the resources.
  2. Discuss in groups and record your thoughts.
  3. Share what your group had to say.
  4. Record a message and a picture about ANZAC day in your book.


Buffalo Research


How long was the voyage in 1836 and how many passengers were there?

Who was the captain and how many passengers were there?

HMS Buffalo passenger list

Weather pictures around Cape Horn

The HMS Buffalo in 1836

Timeline for the history of South Australia

Why emigrate to South Australia? We will read this information together:

Many emigrants under sail endured extreme hardships, this was especially the case for couples travelling with children. What then was the motivation for undertaking such a hazardous journey?

Government inducement, squalid living conditions at home, the promise of a richer life, religious freedom, adventure, the prospect of gaining reasonable employment with a relatively fair wage, the chance of a better life for their children and later the lure of gold were the major motivating factors.

The Migration Museum offers the following reasons for emigration: -to escape poverty, hunger and unemployment. -to make a better life. -to find religious freedom. „ chain migration (to follow families already in South Australia).

In the early years of settlement most emigrants to South Australia were in search of a better life. Life for the poor in Europe in the mid 1800’s was extremely harsh, the Industrial Revolution had resulted in dramatic changes in lifestyle, unemployment was high, working conditions for the poor were atrocious and the laws were extremely harsh.